Sunday, January 10, 2010

Haven't you heard? We do films now too.

Hello ladies!
Hope you have enjoyed your weekend and are now winding down, enjoying some light reading before going to bed tonight.
And we have some crackers for you this evening!

Lots of updates over this weekend and we can't wait to share them with you!

Hello, BB here, had a friend over this weekend and we went out to get a couple of films to watch. Came back with Naked Gun (LMAO) and the Haunted Airman. Now my friend is only really just getting into Twilight but it was mainly brought on by her love for Rob. It obviously doesn't compete with my Robsession but she was certainly gagging to see this film.
I kept it in mind that this was only a BBC production and probably wasn't even meant to end up on dvd for all the world to see, but Jesus H Christ, that film is just all kinds of messed up. I like a little angst every now and then, just to let myself know I'm not that much of a bitch and do have some feelings but this just went beyond anything I can handle and I got kinda angry with it. The stupidity of the nurses and the doctor in the mental home is insane. Thank god they all have to have proper training and common sense these days! Hats off to Rob he did a great job at acting it, it's tough to do rolls like that and not come across as unnatural. Plus I couldn't have asked for more Jaw line, lip pouts and smoking shots! I was in heaven as far as that is concerned. I still dont get the end though. Why did he kill her? What exactly did he achieve? I know he was crazy but I thought it would make more sense if he were to kill his doctor. I think the writer of the original novel was just hoping that his book would go on the shelf with the other tragic love stories of our time, well sorry son, but it just ain't good enough. Perhaps I shall watch it again on mute... or just do scene selection.
Fun fact: I went to school with a boy who's related to the woman who played Robs lover/slash Aunt. (yeah dont even get me started on that fucked up fuckery)

If you want to watch an decent film where Rob does some good acting check out Little Ashes and How To Be, but also dont forget to check out Remember Me when it comes out in the cinema next month! Woo! Rob p0rn!

'ello American Whore here, my turn! Oh BB, you bring up Remember Me and expect coherent thoughts? Damn that film looks good (as does Rob... UNF!). So... it's a film discussion this post. I saw the Haunted Airman and can agree with 99% of what BB said. I can't even tell you how many times, "What the fuck?" came out of my mouth during that film, and I too am still confused over that ending. Rob did a great job though, I give him credit for it. I have yet to see Little Ashes so I can't speak there but How To Be was good, a little odd but a good kind of odd. Rob was fucking adorable in it. I am going to bring Jackson in on this discussion, he's got some good ones out there like "Big Stan", "S. Darko" - sequel to Donnie Darko and let me tell you - Jackson is one HOT nerd! He was also in the hysterical "Senior Skip Day". As you can see in our Pick of the Week, Jackson has an up-coming movie called "Dread" and not only does he look fine as fucking hell but it looks like a great movie. I for one love the scary shit, so this is right up my alley and I can't wait to see it. Some other movies he's working on are "Girlfriend" and "The Last Airbender". I can tell you where I am going to be on January 29th... and it involves Dread. *swoon*

So what did you think of the Haunted Airman? Or any of the films mentioned for that matter.
Perhaps there was a film you like that wasn't mentioned, please rec it to us as we love a bit of Twiboy in whatever shape or form!

Updates in the last 48 Hours:

Awake in the Infinite Cold by quothme - ExB. Still loving this retardward, I really want to make it all better for him. The characters are fantastic you have to check it out!

Confessions of a Nanny by Melissa228 - ExB. Was so happy when I saw this update in my inbox. Melissa has been on hiyatus for the past few months but we are very happy to have her back and with what I must say is great chapter! This is another DILFward for you DILF lovers out there, only dont be thinking this is fluffy. You shall laugh, cry and be squirming in your seats, that I can guarantee.

Master of the Universe by Snowqueens Icedragon - ExB.
Yeah you'll see this one a lot she updates as much as we do lol. So in the last update guess who they ran into? None other than Mrs Robinson! OMG I would be out for blood. Edward is such an idiot something. For someone so rich and smart, he can be so thick. Even if you aren't used to the whole relationship thing, you know you shouldn't treat your first girlfriend the way you treated your whores!! Tut Tut Mr Fifthy Shades! You're going to have to do better than that if you want our Bella! These updates brighten up my days and I hope they do yours too!

I Have Seen the Rain by Makkitotosimew - ExB. Bella and Edward meet amidst the turmoil of the Vietnam War. Love and friendships are put to the test as their worlds are torn apart. AH, canon pairings, M for language and possible sexin'. *Nominated for SIX Indie TwiFic Awards!* This is my new method of p0wning. I've only started reading our good friend Kim's stories recently but I love them!! This and Go ask Alice are my new brands of heroin. So angsty I would normal turn away and run (BB obviously, AW loves a good bit of angst.) but these characters have dragged me in and im not leaving. I want to go through hell with them just so i can see them happy! Its a great original plot line and wont be like anything you've read before so go show it some love! :) *glares at Kim* <-- I'm feeling a tad unsettled after that amazing update, remember what I said! (no "yeah, yeah"'s or "sure, sure's" this time)

Emancipation Proclamation by kharrizzmatik - ExB. Edward grew up in a life of money, power, & respect. Isabella was born into slavery-has never known another way. Their worlds collide & neither will ever be the same again. Will he give her freedom? Can he bear to ever let her go? AU-H OOC *Set in 2005* I wish I could say I was all caught up with this story but I'm still laggin behind at chapter 45! I know, I need to get with the mother fucking program! I do absolutely adore this fic though!! Well worth the long read! Seriously abandon EVERYTHING and read this!

The First Breath by ElleCC abd LaViePastiche - JxB When grief and uncertainty threaten to drown you, how do you catch your breath? For Support Stacie Auction winner JAustenlover. Collab with LaViePastiche. AH, Bella/Jasper. Another update from these two and it was heartbreakingly HOT. I think that's the best way to explain it, another Jasper point of view, and I have to say (again) that LVP (who writes Jasper POV) does incredible job of describing the emotions, feelings, and basically everything about Peter and his family during this tough time from a third party. Things get pretty fucking steamy in this chapter, and I love her Jasper but, I have to say that the ending left me feeling worried about him. The next chapter will be up on Wednesday 01/13 and I can't wait, another fabulous update!

All I Ever Knew by Manyafandom - JxE Jasper finds something he has been is looking for in the most unexpected place. Friendship and Fluff and Romance. JasperxEdward. Rated M for subject matter and future chapters. It's been a while since we've seen an update from the busy Manyafandom but in my opinion, this chapter was worth the wait. I was anxious the beginning of the chapter, shocked as shit in the middle, and feeling cozy at the end. With Jasper being home with his family for the holidays, and away from Edward things are pretty tough. But if you remember the last chapter, the guys decided to wait to "consummate" their relationship until Jasper came out to his family, well... I'm leaving it there, with that reminder for you all. It was a great update, and pretty hot!

Son of a Preacher Man by LaViePastiche - JxBxE The wild son of a famous televangelist, Jasper likes to love ‘em and leave ‘em. Will he meet his match in Bella, who’s in love with his sister’s boyfriend Edward? And what happens when Edward finally notices her? AH, B/E I think I actually did a little dance seeing this update in my inbox! I fucking love this story hard (and completely ignoring that it's technically ExB). LVP gave us all a shock, somewhat, with this chapter. If you've been on the SoaPM forums than it might not have been quite a shock but even with guessing, having it confirmed in the chapter - it was still a "holy shit!" moment. I have a feeling things are going to get pretty tough in this story, but I'm excited to have her Jasper back in it. He is absolutely one of my favorites, he is fucking sexy as hell! GAH! Ok, focusing. She left us with the quite the cliffie... saying she had to break it up and that hopefully the next chapter would be up in the next few days! GO AND ENCOURAGE HER! Read it, review it and tell her how badly you want the next one! PLEASE, do it for yourself, trust me!

As always my darlings, if you read one of these fabulous stories and leave a review, please let the author know you heard it from Jess and Mary at Fanficers Anonymous.

So that just about wraps this post up I think. Leave us some love and drop us an email at if you have any queries, comments or suggestions. 

Thanks for stopping by,

Your Bella and Rose. 


  1. Thanks for so much press, ladies!! We're grateful and thrilled!

  2. So welcome! Loving the story and just want to spread the word!
