Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Contests & the end of an Epic Fic.

Hey everyone, hope you are all feeling fabulous today! 

Thank you to the newcomers that are now following this blog! We're glad you like it and we hope that you will all stay with us on this little roller-coaster.

Ok so on with the show.
Like to bring a few things to your attention.
First off, we have a new pic of the week...

See it? Hot right? I know! I was fanning myself over daddy DILF for a good ten minuets!

Secondly, we'd like to remind you that voting is open for the To Go Amongst Mad People contest! If you haven't voted already then, what are you waiting for?! Go on, Go!

Another twi fic contest that is running at the moment is the Twi-High Anonymous Challenge contest.
Voting for this one opens tomorrow afternoon (2pm CST).
There are some really great and unique fics in here so I suggest you go check those out and then get voting for those too!

Well don't say we never keep you busy! On to the updates...

Updates in last 48 hours:

Emancipation Proclamation by kharizzmatik - ExB.
Unfortunately I still haven't had a chance to catch up to this yet and I doubt I will finish it until the author has finished it, but I can tell you that if you aren't reading it then you should be! It is really fantastic!

Demons and Sinners by Alsper - JxA. This lasted updates was titled calm before the storm! The last chapter was left with Maria knocking on Jasper's door, this chapter was done in Alice POV and something has changed about Jasper. They enjoy a lovely family thanksgiving but I have a feeling the prologue is about to pounce on us! Eeek! Fantastic chapter though girls!

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich by KiKi Blue - ExB.
OMG Angst much? So last chapter Edward and Bella made love and spent the night in each other arms, now is the morning after... Edward's gone and where was Alice when she needed her?! Find out in this amazing chapter from KiKi!

The Training by tara sue me - ExB.
*Giggles* For a while now I felt like we had lost Domward and Subabella, replaced with the still lovable Edward and Bella, but they were certainly back in full swing in this chapter! By far one of my favorites!! Go read it now!! I shall never forget to wax again!!

Stolen Singer by nerac - ExB. Summary: What if destiny had composed her song for you, the notes yours alone to cherish-but in the blink of an eye they were stolen by one you trusted? Could you fix the broken notes-the shattered harmony? Could you still make beautiful music...together? AU, ExB Only just found this, read the first chapter and loved it so i thought I would suggest it to you ladies! Hope you like it too!

The First Breath by ElleCC and LaViePastiche - JxB. When grief and uncertainty threaten to drown you, how do you catch your breath? For Support Stacie Auction winner JAustenlover. Collab with LaViePastiche. AH, Bella/Jasper. Another Bella POV for us and the growth and relationship building going on in this chapter will have you swooning and tearing up. The connection Elle and LVP have created it fantastic and growing. Throughout the first chapters we learned a lot about Bella through Jasper's eyes. Well we seem to be finding more about Jasper now, only through Bella's eyes and I love the switch these two have done. It's brilliant. Read it.

Last Love Found by Oracle Vas - JxB. When everything a person wants is wrong for them, what choice should they make? Should they stick with the bad and hope for the best or choose the good and live with the pain of losing what they want most? I didn't have an answer. All I had was Jasper. So, it is a truly sad night, this was the last chapter of Last Love Found. The end, the story can now be marked as "complete". I will truly miss these characters, they were extremely well developed and written. The last chapter, was what would be a typical Jasper point of view, and yet the perfect ending. I remember asking the author, Oracle Vas, early on if it would be an HEA. Her words were it would be the HEA for the characters and it was. Absolutely brilliant. I loved it. Jasper makes me laugh and then has an epiphany the next moment that breaks your heart. Oracle Vas has done a fabulous job of referencing the stories back and forth, and I saw a line in this last chapter from First Love Lost (if you think you know, tell us!) and it was just too perfect for the moment. Sad to see it end, but she did more than give the story justice.

If you Read and Review one of these beauties, don't forget to tell 'em where you got it!

Thanks again sweetie's
Your Rose and Bella

1 comment:

  1. You don't care. She doesn't matter. I hate her. She is nothing.

    Do I win a prize???? ;)
